Battle of Scarif (17)Full unit name: Battle of Scarif
Last updated: 04.02.2024 23:43:00
Navigation (8)
Basic info
First appearance: Rogue One
Relations: Scarif
Known Facts (20)
The Battle of Scarif, also known as the action on Scarif, the mission to Scarif, or the raid on Scarif, was the first major battle fought in 0 BBY between the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire during the Galactic Civil War. The battle was preceded by years of attacks by the fledgling Rebel Alliance against the Empire and began the five-year period in which the Alliance successfully fought to replace the Galactic Empire with the New Republic. Prior to the battle, Rebel Alliance Intelligence Service intercepted information suggesting that renowned scientist Galen Erso was building an Imperial superweapon capable of destroying entire planets. Alliance leadership sent Galen Erso's daughter, Jyn Erso
Jyn Erso
Major Characters
, and Captain Cassian Andor
Cassian Andor
Major Characters
to learn more about her father's involvement, and their subsequent efforts saw the Alliance discover the existence of the Death Star
Death Star
Space Stations
, as well as a fatal flaw in the design placed there by Galen Erso. Though the Alliance High Command refused to openly oppose the Empire, Erso and Andor led a small unit of Rebel Marines and other allies and defied orders, taking it upon themselves to launch an incursion of the Scarif Citadel, as the rebels planned to infiltrate the heavily guarded Citadel Tower base on Scarif
to retrieve the Death Star plans. Under the callsign Rogue One, the unit infiltrated Scarif's planetary shield in a stolen Zeta-class cargo shuttle
(Zeta-class Cargo Shuttle)
Named Starships
and proceeded to wage a guerrilla assault on the Citadel's outskirts, drawing away Imperial forces so that Andor, Erso, and the droid K-2SO
(KX-series Security Droid)
could infiltrate the facility. Director Orson Krennic
Orson Krennic
Supporting Characters
, the former commander of the Death Star, attempted to stop Erso and Andor from stealing the plans, but the heavily outnumbered Rebels received support from the Alliance Fleet under Admiral Raddus
(Mon Calamari)
Supporting Characters
, whose forces engaged the Imperial Star Destroyers
Imperial-class Star Destroyer
Starship Models
above Scarif and worked to destroy the Shield Gate
Scarif's Shield Gate
Space Stations
protecting the planet. With the Shield Gate's destruction, Rogue One was able to transmit the stolen plans to the fleet above, though all remaining Rebel ground forces were eradicated by a low-powered blast from the newly arrived Death Star that destroyed the Citadel and surrounding area. The Sith Lord Darth Vader
Darth Vader
Major Characters
's forces made short work of the rebel ships that did not manage to retreat, but Princess Leia Organa
Leia Organa Solo
Major Characters
escaped the battle in the Tantive IV
Tantive IV
(CR90 Corellian Corvette)
Named Starships


See also
Related organizations
AT-ACT Driver
Death Trooper
Imperial Shoretrooper
Imperial Stormtrooper
Imperial Department of Military ResearchStructureCharactersDirector Orson Krennic
Rebel Alliance Fleet TrooperWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsDH-17 Blaster Pistol
Blue SquadronStructureCharactersLieutenant Heff TobberCorporal BistanStarshipsU-WingSentient speciesIakaruCorporal BistanPart of / Served onRebel AllianceGroup AssignmentsBlue 11U-WingGunner Bistan
Rebel AllianceStructureCharactersAdmiral RaddusCaitkenShollanOrganizationsBlue SquadronSentient speciesMon CalamariAdmiral RaddusCaitkenShollan
Related units, characters and other technologies
Darth Vader
Leia Organa Solo
Cassian Andor
Jyn Erso
Chirrut Imwe
Baze Malbus
Wilhuff Tarkin
Orson KrennicMembershipImperial Department of Military ResearchDirector Orson Krennic
RaddusMembershipProfundityRebel AllianceAdmiral Raddus
Bodhi RookMembershipSW-0608Pilot Bodhi Rook
BistanMembershipU-WingGunner BistanBlue SquadronCorporal Bistan
CaitkenMembershipProfundityRebel Alliance
CountdownMembershipTIE Striker
DuchessMembershipTIE Striker
ShollanMembershipProfundityRebel Alliance
Heff TobberMembershipBlue SquadronLieutenant Heff Tobber
IakaruWere among members ofBlue SquadronCorporal Bistan
Mon CalamariWere among members ofRebel AllianceAdmiral RaddusCaitkenShollan
Death Star
Scarif's Shield Gate
TIE StrikerStructureCharactersDuchessCountdown
U-WingStructureCharactersGunner BistanUsed byBlue Squadron
SW-0608StructureCharactersPilot Bodhi Rook
Tantive IV
Complete list

Full unit name: Battle of Scarif Last updated: 04.02.2024 23:43:00